Calgary Multisport Fieldhouse Society Response to CalgaryNEXT Phase One Analysis Report

Calgary urgently requires a Multisport Fieldhouse to serve the needs of active Calgarians of all ages.  We are pleased that the CalgaryNEXT proposal and analysis framework have brought this issue to the forefront.  We ask that all decision makers keep this need in mind as they assess the CalgaryNEXT Phase One Report and act with urgency in confirming the location for the Multisport Fieldhouse and identifying funding options.

A Multisport Fieldhouse has been at the top of the City priority list for several years but is as yet unfunded.  CMFS and its many supporting amateur sports groups have advocated for a Multisport Fieldhouse for many years and we will continue our efforts inclusive of investigating, financing and facilitating construction to begin as soon as possible.   

As set out in our response to the Phase One Analysis, we believe that the CSEC made good initial efforts to address the major concerns for amateur sport users: 


  • Multisport amenities and programming requirements
  • Access to site and adequate parking
  • Wide availability for public use at prime time
  • Affordability
  • Governance model for management & operations

These concerns must be addressed no matter where the Multisport Fieldhouse is located.  The general public must have wide access to the facility at an affordable cost.   

We will continue to work closely with the City of Calgary and Sport Calgary and greatly appreciate their work in support of this long needed facility.

Jason Zaran

Chair, Calgary Multisport Fieldhouse Society